Home > Graduation Gifts

Graduation Gifts

May 19th, 2008 at 01:02 am

My neice is graduating from high school on Wednesday. Unfortunately I wont be able to make the ceremony but will be traveling to Arizona on Thursday to spend time with her and my family. I've gone back and forth about what to get her in celebration of this event. She will be attending a junior college in the fall and is hoping to pay for her tuition in cash. I am personally in awe of this goal and want to support her. However, I also want to get a piece of jewerly with a special message. Big dreams w/ a small budget! So I've decided to just give her $100-200 towards her school costs? Just not sure if I should do $100 or $200.

2 Responses to “Graduation Gifts”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    I am sure your niece will appreciate any help you can giver her. Give her the amount of money is comfortable for you without breaking the bank.

  2. mooshocker Says:

    Do her an even BIGGER favor, take the $200.00 and open a ROTH IRA for her. Obtain all the information via her parents and contact an investment advisor in your area. They will be able to assist you. A gift that will certainly prove valuable long after she leaves college.

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