March 16th, 2007 at 05:28 pm
This morning...8am to be exact I met with a counselor from CCCS. I have about 3grand in credit card debt that he said would take me 2 years to pay off at about $150 a month. I'm thinking about doing it because I realize that the only thing that will help my credit score is making payments every month...just have to figure out where the extra $150 a month will come from.
My business is already taking off! I have scheduled a gathering on March 31st! I am expecting between 7-10 folks to enjoy my pampering products and BUY stuff. *thinking happy thoughts*
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Bills, Bills, Bills
March 13th, 2007 at 05:18 pm
I've been racking my brain for a while now on ways to make additional income. So I've decided to become a Warm Spirit Consultant...
The thought of owning my own business is very appealing and I can work from home (hosting events at my house). And its what I make of if this's my own fault!! Let the fun (and MONEY) begin!
Posted in
March 8th, 2007 at 07:50 pm
Today has been a productive day. I discovered freecycle about a month ago and was overwhelmed by the amount of emails I got and the stuff that folks were giving away for FREE! Today I got really nice black floor lamp (my living room doesn't have a ceiling light and I have a floor lamp that's more for decoration than proper lighting) and tomorrow I'm getting a dinnette! I also went to get my $150 computer/desk/printer and found a snazzy couch/love seat for $200! My current couch leaves much to be desired but I'm gonna try to sell it on craigslists, if not I'll freecycle it.
Using my Credit Union's billpayer has made life MUCH easier for me. I'm glad its free!
I get these random emails for mystery shoppin' but they are always the day before! I'm still looking for other ways to bring in income.
Posted in
March 7th, 2007 at 08:39 pm
So I've been thinking about how am I gonna get this computer to begin my coursework this summer...
As I'm checking a listserv I belong to I see that someone is selling their computer, computer desk and a 3in1 printer for $150!!! WOO-HOO! I am going to take a look at it tonight, hoping that it does what I need it to do. She emailed the specs and it looks good.
On a sour note, my job does not provide waivers for online now I have to come up with $1,800 to take 2 classes...
Posted in
March 7th, 2007 at 02:21 pm
I decided to list some of the ways I try to save money.
-clip coupons: I have a coupon book (got it for free!) that organizes all of my coupons
-I participate in freecycle...why buy if someone is giving it away?
-wash clothes in cold water...I use warm water if something is stained
-unplug electronics that are not in use
-bring my lunch to work
-adjust my thermostat when I'm not home.
-try to keep my car clean and free of misc stuff to get good gas mileage
-I frequent community organizations that give away diapers and baby clothes/items for free.
*that's all I can think of for now*
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Ol' Frugal One
March 2nd, 2007 at 07:18 pm
I recently switched credit unions and my new account has FREE bill payer. The last one charged $7 a month and I never used it. So I set it up to pay my car note, I'm excited! I think I will add the rest of my bills on there later, saves me time, postage and late fees.
I started my spending journal. I spent a grand total of $10 yesterday. I am gonna try to see if I can go a whole week without spending ANY money. I also returned $34 worth of baby clothes to Walmart that my son doesn't need...they were just cute! I have a bunch of random cash that I am going to deposit back into my account so I am not tempted to spend it.
I'm constantly trying to figure out a way to make more money...thinking about becoming a notary...hoping that I can get my job to pay for it!
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Bills, Bills, Bills